How to plan a successful conference?

March 7, 2024

Organising a conference can seem like a challenge, but with careful planning and execution, you can create a memorable and rewarding experience for all participants. In this article, you will find a detailed guide with 16 tips and bonuses to make your event a success.

Preparing for the conference

Making your conference a success requires thorough planning. Some things to keep in mind are:

  • Set clear goals and objectives: What do you want to achieve with the conference? What feeling do you want participants to take away?
  • Choose the right location: Depending on the nature of the conference, choose a rural idyll or metropolitan pulse. The size of the venue is also important, do you need something large, medium or small? Think about accessibility for participants and speakers.
  • Set the date: Plan well in advance to secure the desired venue and speakers. Avoid school holidays and public holidays when many of the intended participants may need to be at home with their children.
  • Create a realistic budget: Keep track of all costs and take into account seasonal price variations.
  • Invite relevant and engaging speakers: Book them well in advance, especially in-demand speakers.
  • Ensure functioning technology: Analyse the technology needs of the conference and test everything in advance. Also review what the conference venue has to offer for technology, places like IVA Conference Centre usually have everything you might need and more.
  • Plan the menu: Take into account the preferences and allergies of the target group. Also talk to the associated restaurant, such as our Restaurant Grodan, or depending on your location, a caterer well in advance.
  • Plan for energy top-up: Include short breaks, energy boosters, such as coffee breaks, and varied activities.

Fruit salad in dessert bowls is the centre of attention, with croissants neatly laid out on a plate just behind and orange flowers in a blurred background.

Organisation of the conference

Now it's time to get started and realise your vision! Some points to focus on to create a smooth and memorable conference are:

  • Effective registration: Use smart apps and name badges for easy check-in. You can also check with the conference centre you have chosen if they have any systems you can use.
  • Stimulating networking: Creating opportunities for interaction through workshops, interactive tools and seating arrangements.
  • Encourage interactivity: ask questions, use interactive tools and involve participants.
  • Follow a clear agenda: Communicate the agenda in advance and respect deadlines.
  • Clear information: Signpost clearly and provide all necessary information to participants.

Follow-up of the conference

After the conference, it is important to take the opportunity to evaluate and learn from your experience. Here are some tips on how you can do this:

  • Collect feedback: Use surveys to get valuable input for future conferences.
  • Send follow-up material: Share presentations, summaries and other relevant information.
  • Document the event: Photos, videos and notes can provide valuable memories and insights.

A lined piece of paper with the IVA Conference Centre logo on it and a pencil lying across it.

Bonus tips

Because we at IVA Conference Centre always think of that little extra, we are not satisfied with just the 16 tips promised and delivered above. Therefore, here are some additional bonus tips:

  • Use social media hashtags to build engagement and anticipation.
  • Book or ask the conference centre to have a conference technician for support and security.
  • Adapt the organisation of the conference to the needs and wishes of the target group.
  • Be flexible and prepared to deal with unexpected situations, which tend to arise at every conference.
  • Follow checklist that we have developed for a successful conference.

Using this guide as a starting point, you can create a conference that is a success for everyone involved. Remember that the details make the whole, and that a positive attitude and welcoming atmosphere are key to a memorable experience. Should you need further support and are looking for a conference centre with many years of experience, you are You are welcome to contact us at IVA Conference Centre.

Good luck with your conference planning!

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